Hello guys.
This is New paint『Green girl』Do you like it?
Lately........I LOVE GREEN!!alway painting by green hahaha.I got inspiration from American pop art for this green girl.
This paint' size is aboul 3m×1.5m.
so,I'm keep going to paint,painting New one.If i finish then up soon!!Plz check it.
See yeah!!
Luvi Art blog
This is LUVI's ART blog.thank u for visiting my blog.im painter&phote glapher. ENJOY my ART&bolg♪
Dali Museum in Berlin
Hello guy's.
I went to Dali museum in berlin yester day,and watched his works.
I went to Dali museum in berlin yester day,and watched his works.
Friction Show Night
Hey guys.
I joined our Ehxibition Friction 13 show.
It was awesome!!many artist were coming and having this exhibition.
so,I painted on the huge wall and all my rooms another place as well.
and worked with M8K8 from Spain.He is nice artist too.
anyway.. please check my works『The City』.

Its fucking cool right?
I spend 9days for dune it. i don't want paint all white.
so.new works and new expo will coming soon.Please wait it.
See you guys!!
I joined our Ehxibition Friction 13 show.
It was awesome!!many artist were coming and having this exhibition.
so,I painted on the huge wall and all my rooms another place as well.
and worked with M8K8 from Spain.He is nice artist too.
anyway.. please check my works『The City』.
Its fucking cool right?
I spend 9days for dune it. i don't want paint all white.
so.new works and new expo will coming soon.Please wait it.
See you guys!!
Home base ploject
Hello guys. I moved to Berlin from toronto @ march 6 and enjoying my life at here.
I met some nice artist in here and living toghther now.
I met some nice artist in here and living toghther now.
This name is homebase ploject from second weeks in april.
painter,photographer, and more professional working together.I will join them,and i can waiting for start it.
detail will coming soon.
Long time no see, guys.
What's up??
im so fine!!!!lately i was work with my friends on BENKEI Restaurant's wall.
peinted JAPANESE one on the wall,that's so nice but still working...
if we fin will show you.this wall's about..so huge!!
so,i can show you my works in toronto little by little from today.
This is Secret Base's wall.My guest House.
In the night time...There is chenging my atria.
What I'm i painting?the world map?
I love pink!!hahaha.
spend long time...coz wall is so big!!
Anyway...take a lest.
This is Toronto from Toronto Island.
I can stay lest 3month here...i was paint many works in toronto.
show you my works day by day from today.
lately..my favourite guy Albert Einstein.
tried to draw him but 似てないw
とゆうことで!!Good Night!!
What's up??
im so fine!!!!lately i was work with my friends on BENKEI Restaurant's wall.
peinted JAPANESE one on the wall,that's so nice but still working...
if we fin will show you.this wall's about..so huge!!
so,i can show you my works in toronto little by little from today.
This is Secret Base's wall.My guest House.
In the night time...There is chenging my atria.
What I'm i painting?the world map?
I love pink!!hahaha.
spend long time...coz wall is so big!!
Anyway...take a lest.
This is Toronto from Toronto Island.
I can stay lest 3month here...i was paint many works in toronto.
show you my works day by day from today.
lately..my favourite guy Albert Einstein.
tried to draw him but 似てないw
とゆうことで!!Good Night!!
Long time no see.How are you guys?
Im very fine!!but so busy!!busy is good!!
1weeks ago, i had been to PEI in CANADA via montreal and Quebec.
PEI is east side of canada.so amazing place!!
I ate oyster and robstar what is buy from local people.
Quebec was so nice to!!i will up phote next time.
OK...see you guys soon!!!
Long time no see.How are you guys?
Im very fine!!but so busy!!busy is good!!
1weeks ago, i had been to PEI in CANADA via montreal and Quebec.
PEI is east side of canada.so amazing place!!
I ate oyster and robstar what is buy from local people.
Quebec was so nice to!!i will up phote next time.
OK...see you guys soon!!!
Paint to Secret Base!!
Im paint to My Guest House 'Secret Base' yesterday.
Secret Base is Guest House for Traveler who is like Back Packer.
Actuary Im owner this place.
Im Paint @ Secret Base Couple day's per week
This Art is Sign of Secret Base.
it have messege to every bady...it mean 'Come as a Guest, Go as a Friend'
This messege was painted wall where is my faverit place Shell house in OKINAWA.
See u soon guys!!
Im paint to My Guest House 'Secret Base' yesterday.
Secret Base is Guest House for Traveler who is like Back Packer.
Actuary Im owner this place.
Im Paint @ Secret Base Couple day's per week
This Art is Sign of Secret Base.
it have messege to every bady...it mean 'Come as a Guest, Go as a Friend'
This messege was painted wall where is my faverit place Shell house in OKINAWA.
See u soon guys!!
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